Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Obviously there's loads of lyrics that I like...
These are 10 I could think of, off the top of my head...
1. "I keep your picture, upon the wall. It hides a nasty stain that's lying there.
These are 10 I could think of, off the top of my head...
1. "I keep your picture, upon the wall. It hides a nasty stain that's lying there.
So don't you ask me, to give it back, I know you know it doesn't mean that much to me.
I'm not in love, no no, it's because..."
10cc - I'm not in love.
2. "I don't believe that anybody, feels the way I do, about you now..."
Oasis - Wonderwall.
3. "Is it too late to remind you, of how we were? On our last days of silence, the screaming blur... Because most of what I remember, makes me sure. I should have stopped you from walking, out the door..."
Snow Patrol - You Could Be Happy.
4. "But you didn't have to cut me off, make out like it never happened and that we were nothing. Well, I don't even need your love, but you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough. But, you didn't have to stoop so low, you tell your friends to collect your records and then change your number. I'm guessing I don't need that though, now you're just somebody that I used to know..."
GOTYE - Somebody That I Used to Know.
5. "Crack the shutters open wide I want to bathe you in the light of day, and just watch you as the rays tangle up around your face and body...
I could sit for hours finding new ways to be awed each minute, but the daylight seems to want you just as much as I want you..."
Snow Patrol - Crack the Shutters.
6. "If someone said three years from now, you'd be long gone, I'd stand up and punch them out, because they're all wrong, yeah.
That last kiss, I'll cherish, until we meet again, and time makes it harder, I wish I could remember, but I'll keep your memories, you visit me in my sleep, my darling, who knew?" Pink - Who Knew?
7. "She said I love you boy, I love you so, she said I love you baby, oh oh oh oh ohh.
She said I love you more than words can say, she said I love you bay ay ay ay baby.
So I said then why the hell are you trying to treat me this way?
You don't know what love is, you wouldn't do this if you did..."
Plan B - She Said.
8. "Our love was lost, in the rubble of all the things that you, you've been dreaming of.
Keep me in mind, because when you're ready, I am there to take you every time..."
The Temper Trap - Love Lost.
9. "I love you through sparks and shining dragons I do. Now there's poetry in an empty coke can, I love you through sparks and shining dragons I do. Now there's majesty in a burnt out caravan. You got me off the paper round. You sprang out of the air. The best things come from nowhere... I love you, I don't think you care..."
The Guillemots - Made Up Love Song #43.
10. "I close my eyes, then I won't see, the love you don't feel, when you're holding me..."
Bon Iver - I can't make you love me.
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Saturday 14th July to Saturday 28th July 2012
I've been really busy recently, which is really nice.
I've not been blogging in depth, as you can probably tell. It's just been pictures and gifs, with very little personal writing.
I've not been blogging in depth, as you can probably tell. It's just been pictures and gifs, with very little personal writing.
I've got a little bit of time today, so I thought I'd write about the best time that I've had in quite a while...
It started from Saturday 14th July 2012 to now really... Sunday 28th July.
It started from Saturday 14th July 2012 to now really... Sunday 28th July.
Finding it hard to know what to start with. There seems to have been an event on most of the days...
It's quite exciting for me really, as my life is pretty quiet.
So when I have plans nearly everyday, it's quite a big thing for me...
It's quite exciting for me really, as my life is pretty quiet.
So when I have plans nearly everyday, it's quite a big thing for me...
Saturday 14th July 2012:
I don't usually work Saturday's at the British Heart Foundation.
I probably do one a month, if that... but Ellie was going back to Lincoln on Sunday for her friend's hen party and for her Graduation on Wednesday 18th July, so I wanted to go in and spend some time with her before she went away, otherwise I wouldn't have seen her for a couple of weeks.
I bought her One Day on DVD as a Graduation present and I got her a card :)
We went for lunch in the park on our lunch break and chatted which was nice.
Then when we came back to work, it was really busy and all systems go, so that made the afternoon go quicker.
Saturday evening was nice, I got home from work, had something to eat, watched some TV and then rang Darren and Ellie at night, as usual.
Sunday 15th July 2012:
Sunday was quiet like Sunday's usually are at my house.
We ate lunch around 12pm.
Sat watching TV and chatting in the afternoon.
Mum and I went for a nice country walk in the evening and then we sat down to watch more TV at night.
I rang Darren before bed and we had a nice chat about random things and then I went to sleep... Pretty uneventful day.
Sunday was quiet like Sunday's usually are at my house.
We ate lunch around 12pm.
Sat watching TV and chatting in the afternoon.
Mum and I went for a nice country walk in the evening and then we sat down to watch more TV at night.
I rang Darren before bed and we had a nice chat about random things and then I went to sleep... Pretty uneventful day.
Monday 16th July 2012:
I guess Monday is where it all started to get busy/exciting.
It was my senior colleague, Malcolm's birthday.
He turned 65 and one of my assistant managers, Mandy, baked him a lovely cake.
We had a relatively quiet morning, I bought him some Maltesers and a funny card which he loved and then he left for the rest of the day to spend time with his girlfriend.
Mary, wasn't in that day, so I spent all of my time downstairs on the shop floor, serving customers and tidying up.
I was on my own from 11:00am until 2pm when Sophie came in and she was helping me put stock out and other things.
After she left at 4pm, I dealt with the new stock and helped set up the jewellery sale, then I went home on my own, made myself some dinner, rang my best friend Emi to arrange our plans for the next day and then rang Darren (as usual) and went to sleep.
I was on my own from 11:00am until 2pm when Sophie came in and she was helping me put stock out and other things.
After she left at 4pm, I dealt with the new stock and helped set up the jewellery sale, then I went home on my own, made myself some dinner, rang my best friend Emi to arrange our plans for the next day and then rang Darren (as usual) and went to sleep.
Tuesday 17th July 2012:
I hadn't seen Emi for about 2 months.
I'd had a bit of a busy time and also a bit of time where I was feeling quite down and wasn't really leaving the house, unless it was for work, so it was really, really nice to see her again.
I got dropped off at Rosslyn and we chatted for a while and then walked into town, sat ourselves down on the comfy couch in St Martin's Teashop and didn't move for a good couple of hours.
We had loads to catch up on and plenty of tea to drink, so all was good.
We had a quick look around town afterwards and then I got picked up by Mum, we went grocery shopping and then I got a call from one of my best and oldest friends, Lucy, and she asked if I'd like to go round hers in the evening and discuss dog-sitting their dog Penny, before I had to do it on Thursday.
I went round at 8:45pm and didn't leave until about 11:15pm.
It was nice just sitting with the Beech's and having a good old catch up.
They've also invited me to work with them at their charity shop, Oxfam, in Market Harborough, training to be an Assistant Manager.
I kind of am that already, but at Cancer Research instead...
Unfortunately, I've never really done a day's work there... not for a lack of trying though.
Very complicated.
I hadn't seen Emi for about 2 months.
I'd had a bit of a busy time and also a bit of time where I was feeling quite down and wasn't really leaving the house, unless it was for work, so it was really, really nice to see her again.
I got dropped off at Rosslyn and we chatted for a while and then walked into town, sat ourselves down on the comfy couch in St Martin's Teashop and didn't move for a good couple of hours.
We had loads to catch up on and plenty of tea to drink, so all was good.
We had a quick look around town afterwards and then I got picked up by Mum, we went grocery shopping and then I got a call from one of my best and oldest friends, Lucy, and she asked if I'd like to go round hers in the evening and discuss dog-sitting their dog Penny, before I had to do it on Thursday.
I went round at 8:45pm and didn't leave until about 11:15pm.
It was nice just sitting with the Beech's and having a good old catch up.
They've also invited me to work with them at their charity shop, Oxfam, in Market Harborough, training to be an Assistant Manager.
I kind of am that already, but at Cancer Research instead...
Unfortunately, I've never really done a day's work there... not for a lack of trying though.
Very complicated.
Wednesday 18th July 2012:
I went to Fosse Park with Mum and Dad on the Wednesday.
I wanted to have a look around, but planned not to spend anything.
It was Mum, mainly that we went for.
I ended up trying on the new England ODI cricket shirt, which was really nice, buying myself a new dress from Dorothy Perkins and a pair of matching shoes from BHS.
It was a really nice day.
The evening got amazingly better.
I was already really looking forward to dog-sitting Penny, my friend Lucy's dog the next day.
So I was quite excited. But, we were 20 minutes in to watching Paranormal Activity 3, when I got a phone call from Darren.
He's been following the Olympic Torch around, selling joke books called "Gag Mags" with a couple of friends, but he called me to tell me that he's come back to Leicester to see me, if I still wanted to see him, which obviously, I did. :)
We arranged to see each other on Friday morning for our second date and see where it went from then.
Thursday 19th July 2012:
I had a nice quiet morning watching the start of the 41st British Open at Lytham and Saint Anne's. It was really nice, just sitting quietly whilst the family went out to play golf themselves. Then I watched a bit of the cricket and prepared myself for my dog-sitting day.
I walked round to Lucy's at 2pm, sat with Penny for a while and played with her for a bit.
Then I took her out for a walk at 3pm, came back, dried her off, played with her again for a while and then sat in the lounge, reading my book whilst she sat on the chair, next to me and we watched the World go by.
I fed her about 5:30pm, then went home for some dinner, rang Darren for 15 mins and then went back to Lucy's house with Mum. We took her for a walk for half an hour, brought her home again, watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on my laptop, cuddled up with Penny and then left Lucy's house at 11pm.
I rang Darren when I got back, we confirmed times and stuff and then I went to bed, half expecting not to sleep at all because of excitement, but I managed just fine.
Friday 20th July 2012:
I went to Fosse Park with Mum and Dad on the Wednesday.
I wanted to have a look around, but planned not to spend anything.
It was Mum, mainly that we went for.
I ended up trying on the new England ODI cricket shirt, which was really nice, buying myself a new dress from Dorothy Perkins and a pair of matching shoes from BHS.
It was a really nice day.
The evening got amazingly better.
I was already really looking forward to dog-sitting Penny, my friend Lucy's dog the next day.
So I was quite excited. But, we were 20 minutes in to watching Paranormal Activity 3, when I got a phone call from Darren.
He's been following the Olympic Torch around, selling joke books called "Gag Mags" with a couple of friends, but he called me to tell me that he's come back to Leicester to see me, if I still wanted to see him, which obviously, I did. :)
We arranged to see each other on Friday morning for our second date and see where it went from then.
Thursday 19th July 2012:
I had a nice quiet morning watching the start of the 41st British Open at Lytham and Saint Anne's. It was really nice, just sitting quietly whilst the family went out to play golf themselves. Then I watched a bit of the cricket and prepared myself for my dog-sitting day.
I walked round to Lucy's at 2pm, sat with Penny for a while and played with her for a bit.
Then I took her out for a walk at 3pm, came back, dried her off, played with her again for a while and then sat in the lounge, reading my book whilst she sat on the chair, next to me and we watched the World go by.
I fed her about 5:30pm, then went home for some dinner, rang Darren for 15 mins and then went back to Lucy's house with Mum. We took her for a walk for half an hour, brought her home again, watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on my laptop, cuddled up with Penny and then left Lucy's house at 11pm.
I rang Darren when I got back, we confirmed times and stuff and then I went to bed, half expecting not to sleep at all because of excitement, but I managed just fine.
Friday 20th July 2012:
I woke up at 6am, thanks to excitement, got myself ready, went on the laptop for a bit and then Mum and Dad dropped me off at St Margaret's bus station in Leicester at 10am.
I walked in to the station and my heart sunk, I couldn't see Darren anywhere and I started to stress myself out. I've been stood up before and I really didn't want it happening again.
I tried to ring him, but it went straight to voicemail and I started to panic even more.
I started looking around again, and I saw a really tall guy walking towards me.
He went into the National Express waiting room, so I followed him, walked in and found him sitting there, attempting to charge his phone which had just cut off.
He gave me a hug and said it was lovely to see me again and we walked off, hand in hand.
I introduced him to my parents briefly and then we went to Wetherspoon's for breakfast.
He bought me a cup of tea and some pancakes and he had a fry up.
Afterwards, we walked to Castle Park and sat there by the riverside, just cuddling and chatting. It was just really lovely to have him around again.
Obviously, Leicester isn't his City. He's from Blackpool.
Emi, came to meet us at 12:30pm. We all walked around for a bit and then Darren started working in the centre of Leicester, selling his magazines.
Emi and I went shopping and looking around all of the shops for a bit, we went to McDonalds for lunch and had a milkshake and a chicken nugget dipping box.
I then bought Darren some chocolate footballs and a burger and fries for lunch. He was very grateful :)
Emi and I went off again after sitting with him for a bit, we wandered about and then came back to him at half 4. We all went for a drink at Wetherspoons and then Emi left.
Darren and I sat by the fountain in the city centre, before he walked me to my bus.
We arranged to spend the weekend in the Sky Plaza hotel in Leicester, so that we could have some quality time together.
I went home, booked the hotel, chatted to him that night and then got ready and packed for the next day.
Saturday 21st July 2012:
I got dropped off into town at 2:00pm, I sat with Darren for a while whilst he was working and I waited for Emi.
We were initially going to go shopping for food/drink and stuff for the hotel, but Darren finished work early, so we all went shopping together instead.
We went to the hotel and checked in, spent some time sitting down, watching the golf and drinking tea. Then we went out, did our shopping, wandered around for a bit... Emi left at 5pm ish and Darren and I went back to the hotel, cuddled, chatted and watched TV before getting ready to go and see the Dark Knight Rises at 7:30pm that night.
The film was really, really good.
We spent a lot of time cuddling up in the cinema chairs, whilst watching it, which was really nice.
Afterwards, we went for a pizza and a few of my old friends from Oadby shouted me and I went to see them for a while, I introduced them to Darren and we all chatted for a bit, before they went off to see my ex and go out for the night.
Darren and I ate some of our pizza and then took the rest back to the hotel.
We got ready for bed, ate our pizza and watched Grosse Point Blank before cuddling up and going to sleep.
It was a really amazing day. Simple, but lovely.
I walked in to the station and my heart sunk, I couldn't see Darren anywhere and I started to stress myself out. I've been stood up before and I really didn't want it happening again.
I tried to ring him, but it went straight to voicemail and I started to panic even more.
I started looking around again, and I saw a really tall guy walking towards me.
He went into the National Express waiting room, so I followed him, walked in and found him sitting there, attempting to charge his phone which had just cut off.
He gave me a hug and said it was lovely to see me again and we walked off, hand in hand.
I introduced him to my parents briefly and then we went to Wetherspoon's for breakfast.
He bought me a cup of tea and some pancakes and he had a fry up.
Afterwards, we walked to Castle Park and sat there by the riverside, just cuddling and chatting. It was just really lovely to have him around again.
Obviously, Leicester isn't his City. He's from Blackpool.
Emi, came to meet us at 12:30pm. We all walked around for a bit and then Darren started working in the centre of Leicester, selling his magazines.
Emi and I went shopping and looking around all of the shops for a bit, we went to McDonalds for lunch and had a milkshake and a chicken nugget dipping box.
I then bought Darren some chocolate footballs and a burger and fries for lunch. He was very grateful :)
Emi and I went off again after sitting with him for a bit, we wandered about and then came back to him at half 4. We all went for a drink at Wetherspoons and then Emi left.
Darren and I sat by the fountain in the city centre, before he walked me to my bus.
We arranged to spend the weekend in the Sky Plaza hotel in Leicester, so that we could have some quality time together.
I went home, booked the hotel, chatted to him that night and then got ready and packed for the next day.
Saturday 21st July 2012:
I got dropped off into town at 2:00pm, I sat with Darren for a while whilst he was working and I waited for Emi.
We were initially going to go shopping for food/drink and stuff for the hotel, but Darren finished work early, so we all went shopping together instead.
We went to the hotel and checked in, spent some time sitting down, watching the golf and drinking tea. Then we went out, did our shopping, wandered around for a bit... Emi left at 5pm ish and Darren and I went back to the hotel, cuddled, chatted and watched TV before getting ready to go and see the Dark Knight Rises at 7:30pm that night.
The film was really, really good.
We spent a lot of time cuddling up in the cinema chairs, whilst watching it, which was really nice.
Afterwards, we went for a pizza and a few of my old friends from Oadby shouted me and I went to see them for a while, I introduced them to Darren and we all chatted for a bit, before they went off to see my ex and go out for the night.
Darren and I ate some of our pizza and then took the rest back to the hotel.
We got ready for bed, ate our pizza and watched Grosse Point Blank before cuddling up and going to sleep.
It was a really amazing day. Simple, but lovely.
Sunday 22nd July 2012:
Again, another brilliant day.
We woke up at 8am ish. Went for some breakfast in the hotel, which had a lovely view.
I went back to the room and Darren went out for a paper and stuff.
He came back, we cuddled up, watched the golf and then went for a walk in the afternoon, around 2/3 pm.
We went to Castle Park again, which was nice. The weather was beautiful.
We had a bit of a chat and a heart to heart, then walked back to the hotel, but I took a detour and showed him some of my favourite places in Leicester City Centre.
Again, another brilliant day.
We woke up at 8am ish. Went for some breakfast in the hotel, which had a lovely view.
I went back to the room and Darren went out for a paper and stuff.
He came back, we cuddled up, watched the golf and then went for a walk in the afternoon, around 2/3 pm.
We went to Castle Park again, which was nice. The weather was beautiful.
We had a bit of a chat and a heart to heart, then walked back to the hotel, but I took a detour and showed him some of my favourite places in Leicester City Centre.
When we arrived back at the hotel, we spent some more time chatting, watched more of the golf and then decided to go to Wetherspoon's for a roast dinner.
The dinner was gorgeous. Darren (foolishly) went large and they were massive, or they were for me anyway.
We laughed and chatted and ate our food, and to be honest, I think it was one of my favourite times over the weekend... It was amazing.
Later we relaxed again, played a game and mucked about. :)
Monday 23rd July 2012:
Didn't sleep very well, for reasons I won't go into, thanks to our room neighbour.
The early morning from 5am to 7:30am was horrible.
We checked out of the hotel at 7:30am, walked with really heavy bags, to Wetherspoons, had a cup of tea, I ordered us a breakfast each, because Darren had literally been paying for everything.
We ate it, sat for a while and then went to sit under a tree at Castle Park.
We talked for hours and then decided to walk in the heat, to Newark Museum.
We wandered around there for over an hour and then Darren walked me to my bus.
I had a few tears, I really didn't want to leave him. He was going back to Earl Shilton for the night, but on Tuesday he was leaving for Chester, then making his way to Holyhead in Wales, to see his Dad.
I got home that afternoon to find that as a surprise, Mum had decorated my room for me.
We'd been saying about doing it together for ages, but never gotten round to it.
Seems as I'd been away, she thought it was the right time to get it done.
It was so amazing to see. I absolutely love it.
The dinner was gorgeous. Darren (foolishly) went large and they were massive, or they were for me anyway.
We laughed and chatted and ate our food, and to be honest, I think it was one of my favourite times over the weekend... It was amazing.
Later we relaxed again, played a game and mucked about. :)
Monday 23rd July 2012:
Didn't sleep very well, for reasons I won't go into, thanks to our room neighbour.
The early morning from 5am to 7:30am was horrible.
We checked out of the hotel at 7:30am, walked with really heavy bags, to Wetherspoons, had a cup of tea, I ordered us a breakfast each, because Darren had literally been paying for everything.
We ate it, sat for a while and then went to sit under a tree at Castle Park.
We talked for hours and then decided to walk in the heat, to Newark Museum.
We wandered around there for over an hour and then Darren walked me to my bus.
I had a few tears, I really didn't want to leave him. He was going back to Earl Shilton for the night, but on Tuesday he was leaving for Chester, then making his way to Holyhead in Wales, to see his Dad.
I got home that afternoon to find that as a surprise, Mum had decorated my room for me.
We'd been saying about doing it together for ages, but never gotten round to it.
Seems as I'd been away, she thought it was the right time to get it done.
It was so amazing to see. I absolutely love it.
It's going to be a while until I get to see Darren again, which is horrible.
Probably over a month, but I'm looking forward to doing it all again.
I really like him, I've not had a partner for over a year and a half, and even though we're not technically together, we've only known each other just over 3 weeks, but we are seeing each other, which is good enough for me.
I didn't get to speak to him that night unfortunately.
He said he was upset when I left and that he really misses me already, which is a feeling I can easily relate to.
Tuesday 24th July 2012:
We've been trying to plan a nice day to go out somewhere for the day for ages, and whilst the weather was nice, we decided to go to Skegness for the day.
So that's what we did.
It was lovely having the day with Mum, Dad and Mark.
We had fish and chips, walked around the town centre, looked in the shops, bought sweets and meals for the journey home. We sat on the beach in the sun for hours.
Mark and Dad played crazy golf whilst Mum and I walked about and then we set off for home at around 7:30pm.
My phone cut out in the afternoon which was annoying, but I charged it on the journey home and text Darren and Emi for a bit.
Once I'd gotten home, I tried to ring Darren later, but he'd gone to bed.
Probably over a month, but I'm looking forward to doing it all again.
I really like him, I've not had a partner for over a year and a half, and even though we're not technically together, we've only known each other just over 3 weeks, but we are seeing each other, which is good enough for me.
I didn't get to speak to him that night unfortunately.
He said he was upset when I left and that he really misses me already, which is a feeling I can easily relate to.
Tuesday 24th July 2012:
We've been trying to plan a nice day to go out somewhere for the day for ages, and whilst the weather was nice, we decided to go to Skegness for the day.
So that's what we did.
It was lovely having the day with Mum, Dad and Mark.
We had fish and chips, walked around the town centre, looked in the shops, bought sweets and meals for the journey home. We sat on the beach in the sun for hours.
Mark and Dad played crazy golf whilst Mum and I walked about and then we set off for home at around 7:30pm.
My phone cut out in the afternoon which was annoying, but I charged it on the journey home and text Darren and Emi for a bit.
Once I'd gotten home, I tried to ring Darren later, but he'd gone to bed.
Seriously enjoyed the day though... It was really lovely.
Wednesday 25th July 2012:
I managed to have a quiet day of very little.
I prepared for my Waitrose interview that I had the next day and I rang my friend Ellie for a while.
Unfortunately, found out that I'd gone over my phone bill by quite a lot of minutes, meaning I've got an extra £20 to pay. Oops :(
Can't ring anyone now, unless I borrow my Mum's phone, which she's kindly letting me use.
I rang Darren on Wednesday night, but his phone was dying and kept beeping... We cut off after 5 minutes or so, but he said he missed me and that he missed cuddling up.
Obviously, that feeling's mutual.
Wednesday 25th July 2012:
I managed to have a quiet day of very little.
I prepared for my Waitrose interview that I had the next day and I rang my friend Ellie for a while.
Unfortunately, found out that I'd gone over my phone bill by quite a lot of minutes, meaning I've got an extra £20 to pay. Oops :(
Can't ring anyone now, unless I borrow my Mum's phone, which she's kindly letting me use.
I rang Darren on Wednesday night, but his phone was dying and kept beeping... We cut off after 5 minutes or so, but he said he missed me and that he missed cuddling up.
Obviously, that feeling's mutual.
Thursday 26th July 2012.
SUCH a busy day.
I went into work for a couple of hours in the morning. I went to the job centre to get my birth certificate photo copied. I then went back to work for 45 minutes, before getting all dressed up in my interview clothes, walking up to the Three Swans Hotel with my colleague and friend, Sam.
We then had a 2 and a half hour group interview for Waitrose.
We had to make the tallest free standing paper tower that we could manage in 5 minutes, do a personal presentation on ourselves, a group presentation on qualities a good employee should have, a whole group activity of deciding what's true and false about the facts on Waitrose that we were given and then we went through some Q&A, filled out forms and left.
I think it went well, obviously it's hard to tell in a group situation.
I won't find out what's happening for another couple of weeks now.
Once I'd gotten home, I went to my room to find that Mum and Dad had bought me some lovely flowers as a "Good Luck" kind of thing for my interview. :)
Rang Darren in the evening for a chat and we finally managed to speak for more than 5 minutes.
It was nice to talk to him properly. It felt like we hadn't chatted for ages, even though it hadn't really been that long.
Friday 27th July 2012:
My colleague Sam is leaving for Reading with her partner because he's got a new job down there, so that unfortunately means she won't be working with me anymore.
I don't usually work Friday's because they're her shift days, but I decided to go in for her last day. My friend Ellie and I bought her a card and some jelly babies, got all of the staff to sign it and then Helen, Malcolm, Sam, Ellie and I all went for drinks after work, which was really nice.
Darren said he'd text me in the morning, but he didn't... I then didn't hear from him all day which made me feel a bit down.
In the evening I watched the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
It was quite amazing to be honest.
Danny Boyle and all of the volunteers did a stunning job.
I usually ring Darren at about 10:15pm, but I didn't feel like he wanted me to, so I left it :(
I spoke to Ellie after the Opening Ceremony had finished at 1am ish.
She was on her way home from a night out, so I kept her company.
I then received a text from Darren at 1:34am, saying "You never rang :( ".
Which made me feel really bad, but also happy that he'd text and happy that he'd waited for my call and wanted me to ring.
I tried to get through to him a bit later, but he'd gone to sleep.
I'm going to try and ring him tonight.
Hopefully we'll be able to chat then. :)
That's pretty much all of my busy 2 weeks.
I've loved every minute though.
Especially all of the time spent with Darren, Emi and Ellie.
Can't wait to see them all soon. :) :) :)
My colleague Sam is leaving for Reading with her partner because he's got a new job down there, so that unfortunately means she won't be working with me anymore.
I don't usually work Friday's because they're her shift days, but I decided to go in for her last day. My friend Ellie and I bought her a card and some jelly babies, got all of the staff to sign it and then Helen, Malcolm, Sam, Ellie and I all went for drinks after work, which was really nice.
Darren said he'd text me in the morning, but he didn't... I then didn't hear from him all day which made me feel a bit down.
In the evening I watched the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
It was quite amazing to be honest.
Danny Boyle and all of the volunteers did a stunning job.
I usually ring Darren at about 10:15pm, but I didn't feel like he wanted me to, so I left it :(
I spoke to Ellie after the Opening Ceremony had finished at 1am ish.
She was on her way home from a night out, so I kept her company.
I then received a text from Darren at 1:34am, saying "You never rang :( ".
Which made me feel really bad, but also happy that he'd text and happy that he'd waited for my call and wanted me to ring.
I tried to get through to him a bit later, but he'd gone to sleep.
I'm going to try and ring him tonight.
Hopefully we'll be able to chat then. :)
That's pretty much all of my busy 2 weeks.
I've loved every minute though.
Especially all of the time spent with Darren, Emi and Ellie.
Can't wait to see them all soon. :) :) :)
Twitter's got a new trend going on, so I thought I'd join in.
It's called "#30GoodMovies".
Obviously, there's thousands of brilliant movies, so it's going to be really hard to narrow it down.
But, I'll give it my best shot.
It's called "#30GoodMovies".
Obviously, there's thousands of brilliant movies, so it's going to be really hard to narrow it down.
But, I'll give it my best shot.
Here's my top 30 films (in no particular order).
- The Notebook
- Dirty Dancing
- (500) Days of Summer
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Goodfellas
- Casino
- The Dark Knight
- The King's Speech
- 28 Days Later
- Shutter Island
- Juno
- Leon
- Notting Hill
- Dear John
- Chocolat
- Toy Story
- Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- Harry Potter Series
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Airplane!
- Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels
- Grease
- The Lucky One
- One Day
- No Country For Old Men
- The Green Mile
- Scary Movie
- The Time Traveller's Wife
- Wolf Creek
- Calendar Girls
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