Wednesday, 21 April 2010


I've really enjoyed today!
I woke up at 7:30am, got a shower and got ready to go out.
We went to see my Grandma's house again today, i've been helping look after it since her death and stuff... 
It's being redecorated... and actually standing back and observing what has been done to it was hard... it's got no character anymore, it's pretty bare and bland... like all the life has been sucked out of it. It feels weird being there now...
But, it's probably one of the last times I'll have to go... since it's being put on the market soon.
We met Auntie Lynda and Leanne there, had a drink, looked at what's been done, picked up a few bits and had a chat...

I got home and within 15 minutes I walked round the corner to meet Emi.
I haven't seen her since just before Christmas 2009, so it was really lovely to see her and we had ever such a nice day!!
We went to the park, took a few pics, chatted and listened to music, then came back to mine, had a drink, an ice lolly and some sweets and chatted some more until she had to leave!
Busy night tonight, plus pampering myself if I get time :)
Should be nice!!

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