Tuesday, 30 March 2010

SO excited for tomorrow!!
Heavy Rain, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and Lips Party Classics should arrive!!
And on Thursday or Friday, GTA 4 should arrive :D
Can't wait :)

On a crappier note, I feel so ill I could cry!
I ache all over and my head hurts!
I'm tired but not enough to sleep and I'm not hungry...
not even for Pizza =(

Monday, 29 March 2010

Brilliant Weekend!

 Over the weekend I watched Paranormal Activity which was really good!
Shutter Island which was confusing but fantastic and UP! which was so bright and cute and funny!

Got some ordering to do tonight!
I'm buying Heavy Rain and Lips Party Hits.
Going halves with Mark for Grand Theft Auto 4.
Ordering Mark, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

and then ordering Mum a Jumper Dress and a Shirt Dress!
Full £103 gone in half an hour! Ouch!

But I get paid back £46... so not bad! :D

Probably shouldn't have gone over my Flext allowance, now I have to pay Dad back £10! Woops () : )

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Paranormal Activity

I watched Paranormal Activity tonight with Mum and Dad!
It started off pretty slow, and built up quite a lot of tension.
It freaked me out throughout and kept me gripped!
I can't say I was scared though... just jumpy!
I really really liked it though.
Might buy the blu ray!!
Definitely worth a watch.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Mmmm Excited!!

I have a job interview today at Market Harborough Leisure Center, for a cafe assistant position...
I'm quite excited actually... this is my first interview!!
Although, I'm 99% sure I have a job elsewhere, just in case, no harm in going to this one too!!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Good Day!!

Yesterday, was such a brilliant day!
Auntie Lynda and Sandra came over at 10am and we had the funniest, most chilled out day possible!
We all loved it and it was such a laugh!
Mum and I cooked up a big Fry Up with Crusty Bread and I did Stuffed Mushrooms and Scones!
They didn't want to leave, and I didn't want them to either!
It's been so good having all the Family around lately.
It's what I need! : )

Then, I had a nap at 7pm ish which lasted a lot longer than planned!
And I woke up at 9:45pm to my phone ringing!
She wanted to know if I fancied sitting in her car, on my drive, with a large bag of chips.
Naturally, I did, so that's what we got up to, until about 11:30pm
We had such a good chatter about everything.
I loved it.

and, SABOTEUR and ASSASSINS CREED 2 arrived in the morning!!
I've only played Assassins Creed 2 so far and I absolutely love it!
I should have bought it sooner.
It's Amazing.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

The Departed!

One of the best films i've ever seen, absolutely brilliant.

Ellerby: Go fuck yourself.
Dignam: I'm tired from fucking your wife.
Ellerby: How is your mother?
Dignam: Good, she's tired from fucking my father. 

Quality XD

21st March 2010

I woke up at 11:30am today.
I slept so badly after yesterday.
It was such an odd day yesterday!
I broke up with my boyfriend, I had a weird chat with a good friend later and then I just seemed to co-exist through most of the day...
I don't really remember much of it...

Today though...
Mum had made a gorgeous Roast Beef Dinner and after that I baked some scones and we had Homemade Scones with Clotted Cream and Jam and a Cup of Tea.
It was lovely.

I'm in some serious need of light relief, something to take my mind off of my Grandma's death and my relationship ending with Scott, 
so I've ordered Assassins Creed 2 and The Saboteur for the XBOX 360!
They should be delivered tomorrow!
I'm looking forward to that!

Saturday, 20 March 2010


.....Single again.....

I've got way too much on my mind at the moment.
I don't need any added pressures and worries!
I do feel really bad though.
I didn't want to have to end things with him...
I know he'll feel hurt.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

16/17th March!

These two days have been so GOOD!
I've been feeling really down lately.
It's been hard sorting everything out at my Grandma's house and I still can't get to grips with the fact that she's gone!
I miss her so much!
But these last two days have really made me feel better!
I spent yesterday texting a good friend, all day!
I loved it!
And then last night, I spent all night talking to him on MSN, literally, all night!
It was soooo funny!
Today (17th March) has been brilliant!
I hadn't slept so I got in the shower and sorted some stuff out, then we went to my Grandma's house to help sort things out and clean a bit!
My Auntie Sandra and my Auntie Lynda were there!
And we had such a laugh, even though everyone felt a bit sad at first!

We all bantered! It was brilliant :)
Looking forward to tonight <3

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

I Have Just......


Sunday, 14 March 2010



Saturday, 13 March 2010

Windows 7!

Today I got Windows 7 Ultimate Edition and installed it onto my Laptop!
So much better than power hungry, Vista.

Forrest Gump!

I watched Forrest Gump with my Mum today.
I haven't seen it in years!
"Why're You So Good to Me?"
"Because You're My Girl"
"I'll Always Be Your Girl"

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

And This Is Why She's My Best Friend....

"I love you, even if you do get muffin stuck to your bum xxxxxxx =D"

And This Is Why He's My Best Friend....

I think I just had, possibly one of the most random conversations, that i've ever had with Ry...
and that's hard to beat!

Debbie: my brain hurts
Ryan :/:/ why?
Debbie: too much going on. i want my grandma back
Ryan: take a break debbie, just relax for a bit, get a brew on
Debbie:  that's all i've been doing today, i've drank so much tea i will soon be a tea bag
Ryan: if you became a tea bag... i'd drink you
Debbie: thats nice to know
Ryan: XD
Debbie: at least i wont go to waste
Ryan: true true
Debbie: i wouldn't want to become a famous person's tea bag
Ryan: why?
Debbie: too much pressure
Ryan: you have TO PERFORM
Debbie: i do... i'd have to release every bit of tea... i can't handle that strain
Ryan: lmao... strain
Debbie: ;);)
Ryan: like you o to tea - do*
Debbie: aha XD, i knew you'd get it
 And now we're talking about Smartprice Gravy, Bread and Toast.


Yesterday was my Grandma's funeral.
The service was lovely,
The reception was lovely,
The flowers were all beautiful and it was so nice to see everyone again!
I wish she was here though,
I miss her, a lot!

Friday, 5 March 2010

The Writer

"I Tried Out a Smile...
 And I Aim It At You...
You Must Have Missed It...
You Always Do..."

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Sweet Disposition < 3

Phone Chat....

Last time I rang my best friend Ryan, for the first time in a while, since every thing that's been going on with my Grandma and stuff, I've been a bit pre-occupied.
But it was good to talk to him all the same.

Me: "Ryan, Guess What I'm Getting?"
Ry: A Punch In The Face?
Me: No, not that...
Ry: A horrible disease?
Me: Maybe... but I might wait for a while then get that...
Ry: Hung, Drawn and Quatered...?
Me: That was my first idea... great minds...

Sims 3

Yesterday, I was insanely bored and I wanted something to do.
Seems as The Sims is one of my favourite games, I thought I'd try and load The Sims 3 up on my laptop, which is a Dell Inspiron 1525.
I didn't think there would be ANY chance of it working but it actually did!
And I'm really suprised!
My laptop won't even play Sims 2 without crashing constantly or not even loading at all :S
So i'm quite confused to be honest.
My graphics card is rubbish on my laptop and my desktop has an NVidia Graphics Card and still won't play Sims 3 properly!!
SO Happy though =D

R.I.P Grandma!

Sadly, on the 25th February 2010 at 11:30pm, my wonderful Grandma passed away.
She was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer in several parts of her body 2 weeks previous.
And 2 weeks later, she'd gone.
I feel empty, and lost, and I miss her a hell of a lot.
But she's not suffering anymore.
It's just hard at the minute, and I'm feeling incredibly distant and sad without her.
When she passed away I squeezed her hand, kissed her cheek and told her I loved her, and told her to give my love to my Grandad, who she'll be reunited with now!
Rest In Peace to my beloved Grandma, Winifred May Taylor.
Always In My Heart.
Love You and Miss You!